Bhagyashree Waghule

and 5 more

We combine wavelet analysis and data fusion to investigate geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) on the Mäntsälä pipeline and the associated horizontal geomagnetic field, BH, variations during the late main phase of the 17 March 2013 geomagnetic storm. The wavelet analysis decomposes the GIC and BH signals at increasing ‘scales’ to show distinct multi-minute spectral features around the GIC spikes. Four GIC spikes > 10 A occurred while the pipeline was in the dusk sector – the first sine-wave-like spike at ~16 UT was ‘compound.’ It was followed by three ‘self-similar’ spikes two hours later. The contemporaneous multi-resolution observations from ground-(magnetometer, SuperMAG, SuperDARN), and space-based (AMPERE, TWINS) platforms capture multi-scale activity to reveal two magnetospheric modes causing the spikes. The GIC at ~16 UT occurred in two parts with the negative spike associated with a transient sub-auroral eastward electrojet that closed a developing partial ring current (PRC) loop, whereas the positive spike developed with the arrival of the associated mesoscale flow-channel in the auroral zone. The three spikes between 18-19 UT were due to bursty bulk flows (BBFs). We attribute all spikes to flow-channel injections (substorms) of varying scales. We use previously published MHD simulations of the event to substantiate our conclusions, given the dearth of timely in-situ satellite observations. Our results show that multi-scale magnetosphere-ionosphere activity that drives GICs can be understood using multi-resolution analysis. This new framework of combining wavelet analysis with multi-platform observations opens a research avenue for GIC investigations and other space weather impacts.

Massimo Vellante

and 8 more

We present a comparison of magnetospheric plasma mass/electron density observations during an 11-day interval which includes the geomagnetic storm of 22 June 2015. For this study we used: equatorial plasma mass density derived from geomagnetic field line resonances (FLRs) detected by Van Allen Probes and at the ground-based magnetometer networks EMMA and CARISMA; in situ electron density inferred by the Neural-network-based Upper hybrid Resonance Determination algorithm applied to plasma wave Van Allen Probes measurements. The combined observations at L ~ 4, MLT ~ 16 of the two longitudinally-separated magnetometer networks show a temporal pattern very similar to that of the in situ observations: a density decrease by an order of magnitude about 1 day after the Dst minimum, a partial recovery a few hours later, and a new strong decrease soon after. The observations are consistent with the position of the measurement points with respect to the plasmasphere boundary as derived by a plasmapause test particle simulation. A comparison between plasma mass densities derived from ground and in situ FLR observations during favourable conjunctions shows a good agreement. We find however, for L < ~3, the spacecraft measurements to be higher than the corresponding ground observations with increasing deviation with decreasing L, which might be related to the rapid outbound spacecraft motion in that region. A statistical analysis of the average ion mass using simultaneous spacecraft measurements of mass and electron density indicates values close to 1 amu in plasmasphere and higher values (~ 2-3 amu) in plasmatrough.