Climate change risk and farmers’ behavior: Testing main driving factors
from social learning in northern Italy
Because climate change is both a physical and social phenomenon,
personal experience has been considered the first step to entail how
individuals perceive climate change risk and which actions can be
promoted to reduce their vulnerability. Considering that agriculture is
affected by climate change in several ways, farmers can provide
first-hand observations of climate change impacts and suggest better
adaptation options. However, modeling farmers’ behavior is a non-trivial
task: personal experience is well recognized as a complex non-linear,
multi-variate process due to the high heterogeneity and uncertainties in
human cognition and decision-making processes. Furthermore, individual
understandings of climate change are always contextualized within
broader considerations, meaning that farmers are not ‘blank slates’
receiving information about climate change, but that information is
always and inevitably filtered through values and worldviews. Despite
the burgeoning of research on climate change, information about farmers’
awareness and risk perception is not geographically homogenized and
varies substantially among countries and regions. For example, studies
from Global North regions are scarce and emphasize how farmers
characterize themselves rather than how they perceive and react to
climate change. Drawing on farmers’ surveys in the Lombardy region
(Italy), we provide an empirical study to pre-test the triple-loop
analysis of farmers’ behavior regarding climate change: awareness,
perceived impacts, and adaptation measures and barriers. Applying
descriptive statistics and considering socio-economic data and farm
characteristics, we address two main research questions: 1) What are
farmers’ perceptions of climatic impacts and which responses do they
promote? 2) How do personal experience and attitude change is
conditioning farmers’ adaptation capacity? Obtained results from
accurate bottom-up knowledge on farmers’ behavior may increase
policy-makers’ and managers’ understanding of climate change and
re-think local policies, which is essential to address agricultural
risks in climate change hotspots.