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August 17, 2022
Seismological evidence for girdled olivine lattice-preferred orientation in oceanic l...
Joshua B. Russell, James B. Gaherty, Hannah Mark, et al.
September 14, 2022
Rayleigh Wave Attenuation and Amplification Measured at Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Arra...
Joshua B. Russell and Colleen A Dalton
August 13, 2021
Lithosphere structure and seismic anisotropy offshore eastern North America: Implicat...
Joshua B. Russell and James B. Gaherty
July 22, 2022
Sub-Lithospheric Small-Scale Convection Tomographically Imaged Beneath the Pacific Pl...
Zachary C Eilon, Lun Zhang, James B. Gaherty, et al.