Complex Numerical Simulation of the U.S. East Coast and Inland Areas
using a Coupled Hydrologic, Hydrodynamic and Ocean model: Application to
Hurricane Sandy
Ali Abdolali

1- NWS/NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), College Park MD USA 2- I.M. Systems Group, Inc. (IMSG), Rockville, MD, 20852, USA
Corresponding Author:[email protected]
Author ProfileAbstract
Fluctuations of the total water level in the U.S. East Coast depends on
the complex interactions of freshwater flow, tide, storm surge and wave
actions. In order to include all major forcings of water movement in
this area, a coupled modeling system consisting of the National Water
Model (NWM), the Advanced Circulation Ocean Model (ADCIRC), and the
WAVEWATCH III model has been developed. In this system, a coupled inland
hydrologic model is linked to an ocean hydrodynamic and wave model to
compute total water levels in the coastal zones. In the freshwater
component of the hydrodynamic model, 1D river components were included
in the model to capture an accurate representation of tributaries to the
2D model of the estuary and oceans. The model domain included several
states of the US East Coast starting from New Jersey to the St. Croix
River at the US-Canada border. Model simulations were compared with 2012
superstorm Sandy measured tidal water levels and hurricane surge.
Initial simulations reproduced satisfactory spatial and temporal
variations of water levels due to riverine discharge and storm surge.
The model predictions showed that using 1D component allowed better
representations of the inland rivers and produced accurate river water
levels. Simulations indicated that water levels in the inland areas
depends on both river discharges and backwater effects of the ocean.
These results showed the strengths of the coupled modeling system used
in this research to compute total water levels during river flooding
that coincides with extreme hurricane surge. Initial results showed that
the coupled modeling framework used in this study is capable of total
water estimation in the coastal zones and the accuracy of the water
levels highly depends on the availability of reliable topographic,
bathymetric, and bottom roughness data.