Hsin Hsu

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Hsin Hsu

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Evaporation is controlled by soil moisture (SM) availability when conditions are not extremely wet. In such a moisture-limited regime, land-atmosphere coupling is active, and a chain of linked processes allow land surface anomalies to affect weather and climate. How frequently any location is in a moisture-limited regime largely determines the intensity of land feedbacks on climate. Conventionally this has been quantified by shifting probability distributions of SM, but the boundary between moisture-limited and energy-limited regimes, called the critical soil moisture (CSM) value, can also change. CSM is an emergent property of the land-atmosphere system, determined by the balance of radiative, thermal and kinetic energy factors. We propose a novel framework to separate the contributions of these separate effects on the likelihood that SM lies in the moisture-limited regime. We confirm that global warming leads to a more moisture-limited world. This is attributed to reduced SM in most regions: the moisture effect. CSM changes mainly due to shifts in the surface energy budget, significantly affecting 27% of the globe in analyzed climate change simulations. However, consistency among Earth system models regarding CSM change is low. The poor agreement hints that variability of CSM in models and the factors that determine CSM are not well represented. The fidelity of CSM in Earth system models has been overlooked as a factor in water cycle projections. Careful assessment of CSM in nature and for model development should be a priority, with potential benefits for multiple research fields including meteorology, hydrology, and ecology.

Hsin Hsu

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Most studies of land-atmosphere coupling have focused on bivariate linear statistics like correlation. However, more complex dependencies exist, including nonlinear relationships between components of land-atmosphere coupling and the transmutability of relationships between soil moisture and surface heat fluxes under different environmental conditions. In this study, a technique called multivariate mutual information, based on information theory, is used to quantify how surface heat fluxes depend on both surface energy and wetness conditions, i.e. net radiation and soil moisture, across the globe by season using reanalysis data. Such interdependency is then decomposed into linear and nonlinear contributions, which are further decomposed as different components explainable as the unique contribution from individual land surface conditions, redundant contributions shared by both land surface conditions, and the synergistic contribution from the coaction of net radiation and soil moisture. The dependency linearly contributed from soil moisture bears a similar global pattern to previously identified hot spots of coupling. The linear unique contributions of net radiation and soil moisture are mainly nonoverlapping, which suggests two separate regimes are governed by either energy or water limitations. These patterns persist when the nonlinearity is superimposed, thus reinforcing the validity of the land-atmospheric coupling hot spot paradigm and the spatial division of energy-limited as well as water-limited regions. Nevertheless, strong nonlinear relationships are detected, particularly over subtropical regions. Synergistic components are found across the globe, implying widespread multidimensional physical relationships among net radiation, soil moisture, and surface heat fluxes that previously had only been inferred locally.

Hsin Hsu

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The control of latent heat flux (LE) by soil moisture (SM) variations is a key process affecting the moisture and energy balance at the land-atmosphere interface. SM-LE coupling is conventionally examined by identifying SM-LE relationships with metrics involving correlation. However, such a traditional approach, which fits a straight line across the full SM-LE space to evaluate the dependency, leaves out certain critical information: nonlinear SM-LE relationships and the long-recognized thresholds that lead to dramatically different behavior in different soil moisture regimes. This study examines three aspects of the SM-LE relationship to diagnose coupling globally: linear dependencies, nonlinear dependencies, and SM-LE threshold behavior. Using data from climate models, reanalyses, and observational-constrained datasets, global patterns of SM-LE regimes are determined by segmented regression. Mutual information analysis is applied only for days when SM is in the transitional regime between critical points defining high sensitivity in the SM-LE dependency. Sensitivity is further decomposed into linear and nonlinear components. Our results show discrepancies in the global pattern of existing SM regimes, but general consistencies among the linear and nonlinear components of SM-LE coupling. This implies that although models simulate different surface hydroclimates, the inherent behavior of how LE interacts with SM is well-described. The pattern of strong SM-LE coupling in the transition regime resembles the conventional distribution of “hot spots” of land-atmosphere interactions. This indicates that only the transitional SM range is necessary to determine the strength of coupling. This framework can be applied to investigate extremes and the shifting surface hydroclimatology in a warming climate.