Hemant Khatri

and 7 more

The climatological mean barotropic vorticity budget is analyzed to investigate the relative importance of surface wind stress, topography and nonlinear advection in dynamical balances in a global ocean simulation. In addition to a pronounced regional variability in vorticity balances, the relative magnitudes of vorticity budget terms strongly depend on the length-scale of interest. To carry out a length-scale dependent vorticity analysis in different ocean basins, vorticity budget terms are spatially filtered by employing the coarse-graining technique. At length-scales greater than 10o (or roughly 1000 km), the dynamics closely follow the Topographic-Sverdrup balance in which bottom pressure torque, surface wind stress curl and planetary vorticity advection terms are in balance. In contrast, when including all length-scales resolved by the model, bottom pressure torque and nonlinear advection terms dominate the vorticity budget (Topographic-Nonlinear balance), which suggests a prominent role of oceanic eddies, which are of Ο(10-100) km in size, and the associated bottom pressure anomalies in local vorticity balances at length-scales smaller than 1000 km. Overall, there is a transition from the Topographic-Nonlinear regime at scales smaller than 10o to the Topographic-Sverdrup regime at length-scales greater than 10o. These dynamical balances hold across all ocean basins; however, interpretations of the dominant vorticity balances depend on the level of spatial filtering or the effective model resolution. On the other hand, the contribution of bottom and lateral friction terms in the barotropic vorticity budget remains small and is significant only near sea-land boundaries, where bottom stress and horizontal friction generally peak.
Water mass transformation theory provides conceptual tools that in principle enable innovative analyses of numerical ocean models; in practice, however, these methods can be challenging to implement and interpret, and therefore remain under-utilized. Most prior work evaluates only some of the simpler or more accessible terms in the water mass budget; meanwhile, the few full budget calculations in the literature are either limited to idealized model configurations and geometrically-simple domains or else have required heroic efforts that are neither scalable to large data sets nor portable to other ocean models or research questions. We begin with a pedagogical derivation of key results of classical water mass transformation theory. We then describe best practices for diagnosing each of the water mass budget terms from the output of Finite-Volume Generalized Vertical Coordinate (FV-GVC) ocean models, including the identification of a non-negligible remainder term as the spurious numerical mixing due to advection scheme discretization errors. We illustrate key aspects of the methodology through an example application to diagnostics from a polygonal region of a Baltic Sea regional configuration of the Modular Ocean Model v6 (MOM6). We verify the convergence of our WMT diagnostics by brute-force, comparing time-averaged diagnostics on various vertical grids to timestep-averaged diagnostics on the native model grid. Finally, we briefly describe a stack of xarray-enabled Python packages for evaluating WMT budgets in FV-GVC models, which is intended to be model-agnostic and available for community use and development.

Brandon G Reichl

and 3 more

Jacob M. Steinberg

and 4 more

Due to their limited resolution, numerical ocean models need to be interpreted as representing filtered or averaged equations. How to interpret models in terms of formally averaged equations, however, is not always clear, particularly in the case of hybrid or generalized vertical coordinate models. We derive the averaged hydrostatic Boussinesq equations in generalized vertical coordinates for an arbitrary thickness weighted-average. We then consider various special cases and discuss the extent to which the averaged equations are consistent with existing model formulations. As previously discussed, the momentum equations in existing depth-coordinate models are best interpreted as representing Eulerian averages (i.e., averages taken at fixed depth), while the tracer equations can be interpreted as either Eulerian or thickness-weighted isopycnal averages. Instead we find that no averaging is fully consistent with existing formulations of the parameterizations in semi-Lagrangian discretizations of generalized vertical coordinate ocean models. Perhaps the most natural interpretation of generalized vertical coordinate models is to assume that the average follows the model’s coordinate surfaces. However, the existing model formulations are generally not consistent with coordinate-following averages, which would require “coordinate-aware” parameterizations that can account for the changing nature of the eddy terms as the coordinate changes. Alternatively, the model variables can be interpreted as representing either Eulerian or (thickness-weighted) isopycnal averages, independent of the model coordinate that is being used for the numerical discretization. Existing parameterizations in generalized vertical coordinate models, however, are usually not fully consistent with either of these interpretations. We discuss what changes are needed to achieve consistency.

Michele Buzzicotti

and 4 more

We expand on a recent determination of the first global energy spectrum of the ocean’s surface geostrophic circulation \cite{Storer2022} using a coarse-graining (CG) method. We compare spectra from CG to those from spherical harmonics by treating land in a manner consistent with the boundary conditions. While the two methods yield qualitatively consistent domain-averaged results, spherical harmonics spectra are too noisy at gyre-scales ($>1000 $km). More importantly, spherical harmonics are inherently global and cannot provide local information connecting scales with currents geographically. CG shows that the extra-tropics mesoscales (100–500 km) have a root-mean-square (rms) velocity of $\sim15 $cm/s, which increases to $\sim30$–40 cm/s locally in the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio and to $\sim16$–28 cm/s in the ACC. There is notable hemispheric asymmetry in mesoscale energy-per-area, which is higher in the north due to continental boundaries. We estimate that $\approx25$–50\% of total geostrophic energy is at scales smaller than 100 km, and is un(der)-resolved by pre-SWOT satellite products. Spectra of the time-mean component show that most of its energy (up to $70\%$) resides in stationary mesoscales ($<500 $km), highlighting the preponderance of ‘standing’ small-scale structures in the global ocean. By coarse-graining in space and time, we compute the first spatio-temporal global spectrum of geostrophic circulation from AVISO and NEMO. These spectra show that every length-scale evolves over a wide range of time-scales with a consistent peak at $\approx200$ km and $\approx2$–3 weeks.

Jan-Erik Tesdal

and 5 more

Two coupled climate models, differing primarily in horizontal resolution and treatment of mesoscale eddies, were used to assess the impact of perturbations in wind stress and Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) melting on the Southern Ocean meridional overturning circulation (SO MOC), which plays an important role in global climate regulation. The largest impact is found in the SO MOC lower limb, associated with the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), which in both models is enhanced by wind and weakened by AIS meltwater perturbations. Even though both models under the AIS melting perturbation show similar AABW transport reductions of 4-5 Sv (50-60%), the volume deflation of AABW south of 30˚S is four times greater in the higher resolution simulation (-20 vs -5 Sv). Water mass transformation (WMT) analysis reveals that surface-forced dense water formation on the Antarctic shelf is absent in the higher resolution and reduced by half in the lower resolution model in response to the increased AIS melting. However, the decline of the AABW volume (and its inter-model difference) far exceeds the surface-forced WMT changes alone, which indicates that the divergent model responses arise from interactions between changes in surface forcing and interior mixing processes. This model divergence demonstrates an important source of uncertainty in climate modeling, and indicates that accurate shelf processes together with scenarios accounting for AIS melting are necessary for robust projections of the deep ocean’s response to anthropogenic forcing and role as the largest sink in Earth’s energy budget.

Ryan M Holmes

and 5 more

Numerical mixing, defined here as the physically spurious diffusion of tracers due to the numerical discretization of advection, is known to contribute to biases in ocean circulation models. However, quantifying numerical mixing is non-trivial, with most studies utilizing specifically targeted experiments in idealized settings. Here, we present a precise, online water-mass transformation-based method for quantifying numerical mixing that can be applied to any conserved variable in global general circulation models. Furthermore, the method can be applied within individual fluid columns to provide a spatially-resolved metric. We apply the method to a suite of global ocean-sea ice model simulations with differing grid spacings and sub-grid scale parameterizations. In all configurations numerical mixing drives across-isotherm heat transport of comparable magnitude to that associated with explicitly-parameterized mixing. Numerical mixing is prominent at warm temperatures in the tropical thermocline, where it is sensitive to the vertical diffusivity and resolution. At colder temperatures, numerical mixing is sensitive to the presence of explicit neutral diffusion, suggesting that much of the numerical mixing in these regions acts as a proxy for neutral diffusion when it is explicitly absent. Comparison of equivalent (with respect to vertical resolution and explicit mixing parameters) $1/4^\circ$ and $1/10^\circ$ horizontal resolution configurations shows only a modest enhancement in numerical mixing at $1/4^\circ$. Our results provide a detailed view of numerical mixing in ocean models and pave the way for future improvements in numerical methods.