To understand the influence of the Sun on Earth's system, long and accurate measurements of solar irradiance are a prerequisite. The available direct measurements of solar irradiance since 1978 are clearly not sufficient for this purpose. This stimulated development of models used to reconstruct past solar irradiance variations from alternative observations. The main driver of the irradiance variations on time scales of days to millennia is the evolution of the solar surface magnetic field in form of dark sunspots and bright faculae and network. Therefore, models require input data describing the contributions of these various magnetic regions on the Sun at earlier times. Unfortunately, records that can be used to describe the facular and network contributions are barely longer than the direct irradiance measurements. Thus, irradiance reconstructions to earlier periods have to rely on sunspot data alone. Data that have hardly been used for solar irradiance reconstructions until now are full-disc solar observations in the Ca II K line. Such data exist since 1892 from various observatories and include all the needed information describing faculae and the network. However, they are plagued by a bunch of various problems and artefacts, and recovering the non-linear response of the photographic material to the radiation is non-trivial since the required information is usually missing, too. We have developed a method to process Ca II K observations from various sources and demonstrated the higher accuracy achieved by our method compared to other techniques presented in the literature. Here we use the carefully reduced Ca II K observations from multiple archives to reconstruct solar irradiance variations.

Arik Posner

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