DeepMaizeCounter: Smarter Stand Counts for Seedling Maize from Mosaic
Imagery with YOLOv4
Knowing how many plants have germinated in a farmer’s or researcher’s
field is central to crop management and research. Plants are commonly
counted by walking the field and counting the plants in each row. This
technique is labor-intensive, slow, and error-prone. Automating stand
counts using RGB imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is an
obvious solution. We propose DeepMaizeCounter, a robust computational
system that provides accurate stand counts for research and production
fields from imagery captured by freely flown, inexpensive drones and
processed with an inexpensive computer. DeepMaizeCounter exploits
mosaics computed from RGB videos, using a YOLOv4 model that is trained
to recognize seedling maize plants in the V2–V10 growth stages
(approximately 10–40cm in height), singly or in groups of two and three
plants, and determines its accuracy on these classes of seedlings. We
evaluated DeepMaizeCounter against in-field and on-frame manual stand
counts for a number of different maize lines in both nursery and
production fields. DeepMaizeCounter can reliably distinguish corn from
weeds and other grasses, counting only the maize. The network is light
and able to run 175 test frames in 6 seconds, or 29 frames per second.
This opens the prospect that DeepMaizeCounter can eventually be deployed
on cheap platforms for real-time counting.