We combine earthquake spectra from multiple studies to investigate whether the increase in stress drop with depth often observed in the crust is real, or an artifact of decreasing attenuation (increasing Q) with depth. In many studies, empirical path and attenuation corrections are assumed to be independent of the earthquake source depth. We test this assumption by investigating whether a realistic increase in Q with depth (as is widely observed) could remove some of the observed apparent increase in stress drop with depth. We combine event spectra, previously obtained using spectral decomposition methods, for over 50,000 earthquakes (M0 to M5) from 12 studies in California, Nevada, Kansas and Oklahoma. We find that the relative high-frequency content of the spectra systematically increases with increasing earthquake depth, at all magnitudes. By analyzing spectral ratios between large and small events as a function of source depth, we explore the relative importance of source and attenuation contributions to this observed depth dependence. Without any correction for depth-dependent attenuation, we find a systematic increase in stress drop, rupture velocity, or both, with depth, as previously observed. When we add an empirical, depth-dependent attenuation correction, the depth dependence of stress drop systematically decreases, often becoming negligible. The largest corrections are observed in regions with the largest seismic velocity increase with depth. We conclude that source parameter analyses, whether in the frequency or time domains, should not assume path terms are independent of source depth, and should more explicitly consider the effects of depth-dependent attenuation.
The spectra of earthquake waveforms can provide important insight into rupture processes, but the analysis and interpretation of earthquake source spectra is rarely straightforward. Here we develop a Bayesian framework that embraces the data and modeling uncertainties inherent to the analyses of source spectra in order to infer key source spectral properties. The proposed methodology adopts a spectral ratio approach to correct the observed waveform spectra of nearby earthquake pairs for path and site attenuation. The objective then is to solve for a joint posterior probability distribution of three source parameters -- seismic moment, corner frequency, and high-frequency falloff rate -- for each earthquake in the sequence, as well as a measure of rupture directivity for select target events with good azimuthal station coverage. While computationally intensive, this technique provides a quantitative understanding of parameter tradeoffs and uncertainties and allows one to apply physical constraints through prior distributions on all source parameters, which guide the inversion when data is limited. We demonstrate the method by analyzing in detail the source properties of 14 different target events of magnitude M5 in southern California that span a wide range of tectonic regimes and fault systems. These prominent earthquakes, while comparable in size, exhibit marked diversity in their source properties and directivity. The coherent spatial variations in the source properties we observe suggest that regional differences in tectonic setting or fault zone characteristics and maturity may drive variability in rupture processes, with important implications for our understanding of earthquake physics and its relation to hazard.