Phoebe E Noble

and 7 more

During winter, the latitude belt at 60S is one of the most intense hotspots of stratospheric gravity wave (GW) activity. However, producing accurate representations of GW dynamics in this region in numerical models has proved exceptionally challenging. One reason for this is that questions remain regarding the relative contributions of different orographic and non-orographic sources of GWs here. We use 3-D satellite GW observations from the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) from winter 2012 in combination with the Gravity-wave Regional Or Global Ray Tracer (GROGRAT) to backwards ray trace GWs to their sources. We trace over 14.2 million rays, which allows us to investigate GW propagation and to produce systematic estimates of the relative contribution of orographic and non-orographic sources to the total observed stratospheric GW momentum flux in this region. We find that in winter 56% of momentum flux (MF) traces back to the ocean and 44% to land, despite land representing less than a quarter of the region’s area. This demonstrates that, while orographic sources contribute much more momentum flux per unit area, the large spatial extent of non-orographic sources leads to a higher overall contribution. The small islands of Kerguelen and South Georgia specifically contribute up to 1.6% and 0.7% of average monthly stratospheric MF, and the intermittency of these sources suggests that their short-timescale contribution is even higher. These results provide the important insights needed to significantly advance our knowledge of the atmospheric momentum budget in the Southern polar region.

Corwin James Wright

and 1 more

Gravity waves (GWs) are key drivers of atmospheric dynamics, with major impacts on climate and weather processes. However, they are challenging to measure in observational data, and as a result no large-area multi-decadal GW time series yet exist. This has prevented us from quantifying the interactions between GWs and long-timescale climate processes. Here, we exploit temperatures measured by commercial aircraft since 1994 as part of the IAGOS atmospheric chemistry research programme to produce a novel 26-year time series of upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) GW measurements across most of the northern hemisphere. We analyse 90\,342 flight-hours (76.2 million flight-kilometres) of data, typically at a temporal resolution of seconds and with high temperature precision. We show that GW activity in the northern-hemisphere UTLS is consistently strongest north of and above the upper tropospheric jet. We also show that GW sources not typically observed in stratospheric data but assumed in model schemes, such as the Rocky Mountains, are visible at these altitudes, suggesting that wave momentum from these sources is deposited specifically between $\sim$200–50\,hPa. Our data shows no significant impact of the Quasi Biennial Oscillation, the Northern Annular Mode, or climate change. However, we do see strong evidence of links with the El Ni\ no-Southern Oscillation, which modulates the measured GW signal by $\sim$25\%, and weak evidence of links with the 11-year solar cycle. These results have important implications for atmospheric process modelling and for understanding large-scale climate teleconnections.