An object-based technique was utilized to identify hydrometeor size-sorting signatures at lower levels in the convective regions of 10 mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) during the 2015 Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) field campaign. Composite statistical analysis indicates that the magnitudes of size-sorting signatures (the separation distances between rain diameter maxima and concentration maxima) are nonlinearly correlated to the echo-top height, rain mass beneath the melting level, and precipitation rates at higher percentiles. To explore this correlation, the WRF model was used to simulate one of the MCSs (the 20 June 2015 storm) during the PECAN. Statistical analysis on the model outputs indicates more active riming growth and quicker graupel fallout at warmer temperatures near areas with larger separation distances. While updraft intensity above the melting level was also positively correlated to separation distances, this correlation was only statistically significant within certain temperature ranges. Additional analyses reveal that the higher intense precipitation potential near signatures with large separation distances could be attributed to precipitation production from the melted graupel. Finally, spatial correspondence between graupel distribution at the melting level and rain distribution at the lowest model level illustrates the critical role of graupel sedimentation and sorting in creating size-sorting signatures in MCSs during the PECAN field experiment.