Sediment-laden meltwater plumes are commonly observed in the fjords and coastal waters of Svalbard. Plumes are present at the margins of marine-terminating glaciers, and the mouths of glacier-fed subaerial rivers. They can influence fjord circulation, are useful proxies for meltwater runoff and can be used to infer a glacier’s hydrological system. Plumes often cover large areas of open water, meaning they are visible in satellite imagery. Passes by satellites provide an insight into what is occurring at a point in time, but satellite timeseries can also provide a longer temporal window than in-situ measurements. To determine how suspended sediment concentration (SSC) varies in plumes at two sites in Kongsfjorden, over three melt seasons (2012, 2019, 2021), we use in-situ and satellite-equivalent techniques. We find that SSC-reflectance relationships in a subaerial river plume are variable across three melt seasons, meaning relationships are not transferable from season-to-season. At a marine-terminating system, we find relationships remain stable across two melt seasons, however a small, non-significant dataset means there is low confidence in extrapolating these results. We also find that plumes from these subaerial and marine-terminating systems are not directly comparable due to differing geology and contrasting methods of meltwater delivery. Our findings suggest more research should be conducted into the relationship between SSC-reflectance at plumes in Svalbard, focussing on a system’s hydrology and lithology, whilst accounting for retreat at marine-terminating glaciers. Furthermore, new methods for interrogating cloud-impacted satellite scenes should be devised, reducing the reliance on short fieldwork windows for understanding plume variability.