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Paul-Arthur Monerie

and 3 more

Jonathan Wille

and 12 more

During atmospheric river (AR) landfalls on the Antarctic ice sheet, the high waviness of the circumpolar polar jet stream allows for sub-tropical air masses to be advected towards the Antarctic coastline. These rare but high-impact AR events are highly consequential for the Antarctic mass balance; yet little is known about the various atmospheric dynamical components determining their life cycle. By using an AR detection algorithm to retrieve AR landfalls at Dumont d’Urville and non-AR analogues based on 700 hPa geopotential height, we examined what makes AR landfalls unique and studied the complete life cycle of ARs to affect Dumont d’Urville. ARs form in the mid-latitudes/sub-tropics in areas of high surface evaporation, likely in response to tropical deep convection anomalies. These convection anomalies likely lead to Rossby wave trains that help amplify the upper-tropospheric flow pattern. As the AR approaches Antarctica, condensation of isentropically lifted moisture causes latent heat release that – in conjunction with poleward warm air advection – induces geopotential height rises and anticyclonic upper-level potential vorticity tendencies downstream. As evidenced by a blocking index, these tendencies lead to enhanced ridging/blocking that persist beyond the AR landfall time, sustaining warm air advection onto the ice sheet. Finally, we demonstrate a connection between tropopause polar vortices and mid-latitude cyclogenesis in an AR case study. Overall, the non-AR analogues reveal that the amplified jet pattern observed during AR landfalls is a result of enhanced poleward moisture transport and associated diabatic heating which is likely impossible to replicate without strong moisture transport.

Benjamin Pohl

and 5 more

Here, we analyze the inter-relationships between weather types (WTs) and atmospheric rivers (ARs) around Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ), their respective properties, as well as their combined and separate influence on daily precipitation amounts and extremes. Results show that ARs are often associated with 3-4 WTs, but these WTs change depending on the regions where ARs landfall. The WTs most frequently associated with ARs generally correspond to those favoring anomalously strong westerly wind in the mid-latitudes, especially for southern regions of ANZ, or northwesterly anomalies favoring moisture export from the lower latitudes, especially for the northern regions. WTs and ARs show strong within-type and inter-event diversity. The synoptic patterns of the WTs significantly differ when they are associated with AR occurrences, with atmospheric centers of actions being shifted so that moisture fluxes towards ANZ are enhanced. Symmetrically, the location, angle, and persistence of ARs appear strongly driven by the synoptic configurations of the WTs. Although total moisture transport shows weaker WT-dependency, it appears strongly related to zonal wind speed to the south of ANZ, or the moisture content of the air mass to the north. Finally, WT influence on daily precipitation may completely change depending on their association, or lack thereof, with AR events. WTs traditionally considered as favorable to wet conditions may conceal daily precipitation extremes occurring during AR days, and anomalously dry days or near-climatological conditions during non-AR days.