Throughout spring and summer 2020, ozone stations in the northern extratropics recorded unusually low ozone in the free troposphere. From April to August, and from 1 to 8 kilometers altitude, ozone was on average 7% (~4 ppbv) below the 2000 to 2020 climatological mean. Such low ozone, over several months, and at so many stations, has not been observed in any previous year since at least 2000. Atmospheric composition re-analyses from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service and simulations from the NASA GMI model indicate that the large 2020 springtime ozone depletion in the Arctic stratosphere has contributed less than one quarter to the observed tropospheric anomaly. The observed anomaly is consistent with two recent model simulations, which assume emission reductions similar to those caused by the COVID-19 crisis. COVID-19 related emission reductions appear to be the major cause for the observed low free tropospheric ozone in 2020.