Correlation-Cutoff Method for Covariance Localization in Strongly
Coupled Data Assimilation
Due to its inherent ability to estimate the background error
covariances, an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is thought to be a
practical approach to the strongly coupled data assimilation problems,
where an entire coupled model state is estimated as if it was a single
integrated system. However, increased complexity and the multiple time
scale of the coupled system aggravate the rank-deficiency and spurious
correlation problems caused by limited ensemble size available for the
analysis. To alleviate these problems, a distance-independent
localization method to systematically select the observations to be
assimilated into each model variable has been developed and successfully
tested with a nine-variable coupled model with slow and fast modes. This
method, called correlation-cutoff method, utilizes the mean squared
ensemble error correlation between each observable and model variable to
identify where the cross-update should be used, and we cut off the
assimilation of observations when the squared error correlation becomes
small. To implement the method on a more realistic model, we thoroughly
investigate inter-fluid background covariances in an atmosphere-ocean
coupled general circulation model where the spatiotemporal scales of
coupled dynamics significantly vary by latitudes and driving processes.