Effects of Shallow Velocity Reductions on Three-Dimensional Propagation
of Seismic Waves
- Alan Juarez
, - Yehuda Ben-Zion

We perform 3D simulations of seismic wavefields to clarify effects of
strong reductions of shallow velocities on long-period seismic waves.
The simulations use a reference community velocity model of Southern
California and a modified version with strong velocity reductions in the
top 500 m of the Los Angeles basin. Differences between wavefields
generated by ten earthquakes in the reference and perturbed models are
analyzed. Velocity changes are estimated by measuring relative time
shifts between reference and perturbed seismograms using wavelet
cross-correlation spectra. The results indicate that strong localized
temporal velocity drops near the surface, such as those observed during
strong ground motions, may generate regional perturbations of wavefields
at periods up to 20 s. These perturbations may be misinterpreted as
generated by temporal changes at seismogenic depths. The results also
have important implications for waveform tomography studies.