Review: Reproducibility of the First Image of a Black Hole in the Galaxy M87 from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration
- Katherine Bouman
, - Jose L. Gómez,
- Kotaro Moriyama,
- Kazunori Akiyama
The paper Reproducibility of the First Image of a Black Hole in the Galaxy M87 from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration by Patel et al. aims to reproduce the M87* imaging results presented by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) from observations made in 2017, as well as provide documentation and computational environments that allow others to reproduce the results more easily in the future. The paper gives an overview of the procedures used to generate the images, as well as clearly lays out what software and documentation is available by the collaboration and what is missing. The authors are able to qualitatively reproduce the results using scripts provided by the EHT collaboration, and quantitatively reproduce results that are similar to those presented by the collaboration. I recommend publication after addressing the following comments.