Structural Characterization of the Taltal Segment in Northern Chile
Between 22°S and 26°S Using Local Earthquake
- Sergio Leon-Rios
, - Valentina Reyes-Wagner,
- Daniela Calle-Gardella,
- Andrei Maksymowicz
, - Andreas Rietbrock
, - Steven Roecker,
- Diana Comte

Valentina Reyes-Wagner
Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile
Author ProfileDaniela Calle-Gardella
Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile
Author ProfileAndrei Maksymowicz

Departamento de Geofísica, Universidad de Chile
Author ProfileAndreas Rietbrock

Geophysical Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Author ProfileDiana Comte

Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geofísica, Universidad de Chile
Author Profile