This paper proposes an interactive system called Andromeda1that enables users to interact with machine learning models to allow for exploratory sorting of images through a cognitive approach that uses a reduced dimension plot. In our system, a dimension reduction algorithm projects the images into a 2D space representing similarities between the images based on visual features extracted by a deep neural network. With Andromeda, users can alter the projection by dragging a subset of the images into groups according to their domain expertise. The underlying machine learning model learns the new projection by optimizing a weighted distance function in the feature space, and the model re-projects the images accordingly. The users can explore multiple custom projections to learn about the visual support for different groupings based on explainable-AI feedback. Our approach incorporates user preferences into machine learning model construction and allows transfer learning from pre-trained image processing models to accomplish new tasks based on user inputs. Using edamame pod images as an example, we interactively re-project the images into different groupings based on maturity and disease, and identify important visual features from the pixels highlighted by the model.