The Interrelationship between Area Deprivation and Ethnic Disparities in
In the study of sentencing disparities, class related hypotheses have
received considerably less attention than explanations based on
offenders’ ethnicity. This is unfortunate since the two mechanisms are
likely interrelated, at the very least as a result of their overlap in
the population, with ethnic minorities being generally more deprived
than the White majority. In this registered report we propose exploring
the mediating and moderating effects between offenders’ area deprivation
and their ethnic background using a novel administrative dataset
capturing all offences processed through the England and Wales Crown
Court. Specifically, we seek to test two key hypotheses: i) the reported
ethnic disparities in sentencing are mediated and explained away by area
deprivation; and ii) ethnic disparities are moderated by area
deprivation, with ethnic disparities being narrower in the more deprived
areas. Results from this empirical analysis will shed new light on the
underlying causes of sentencing disparities, but crucially - if
deprivation is shown to play a major role in the generation of ethnic
disparities - they will also help inform the adequate policy responses
to redress this problem.