Roberto Rocchetta is postdoc involved in a collaborative research effort with the Philips and TU/e. He holds a Master of Science in Energy Engineering from the University of Bologna (IT), a Master of Research in Decision-Making Under Risk and Uncertainty, and a PhD in Resilience Engineering and Data Science from the University of Liverpool (UK). His research currently focuses on developing predictive maintenance solutions, novel stochastic optimization methods, digital twins modelling and machine learning models with guaranteed bounds on their generalization error bounds. Prior to joining TU/e, Roberto worked in the USA as a Research Scholar (postdoc) involved in a collaborative project with the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) and NASA Langley. During his PhD and is first postdocs, Roberto research focused on network resilience and modelling of complex systems and critical infrastructures. He also contributed to the OpenCossan software project Please refer to the listed publications for more details.