Spherical Path Regression through Universal Differential Equations with
Applications to Paleomagnetism
- Facundo Sapienza
, - Leandro Cesar Gallo
, - Jordi Bolibar,
- Fernando Perez
, - Jonathan Taylor
Leandro Cesar Gallo

The Center for Earth Evolution and Dynamics
Author ProfileAbstract
Directional data analysis plays a critical role in paleomagnetism, where
observations are distributed in a spherical surface. Existing methods
for analyzing directional data often fail to incorporate prior physical
information about plate geodynamics, significantly constraining their
potential. To address this limitation, we developed a hybrid,
physics-informed machine learning model that uses a neural network to
learn the underlying rotations responsible for generating directional
data. We found that our method efficiently fits both synthetic and real
paleomagnetic datasets. Additionally, by leveraging differentiable
programming, we can incorporate physical constraints in the form of
regularizations. These results could enhance future estimations of
apparent polar wander paths, advancing the reconstruction of past
tectonic plate motions.