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PLOS Science Wednesday: Hi! We’re Camilo Mora and Iain Caldwell, here to talk about our paper in PLOS Biology that investigates how plant growth is impacted by climate change — AUA!
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  • r/Science AMAs

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My name is Dr. Camilo Mora and I am an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii Manoa. My research focuses on understanding the feedback loops between people and biodiversity. My earlier career was on basic ecology, but then I realized that the effects of people on various species were massive and already evident. Quantifying such impacts and their feedbacks on people represent the main topic of my latest research. And my name is Dr. Iain Caldwell and I am a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Hawaii Manoa. I am an ecologist with broad interests in how organisms can respond to changes in their environment, including the potential consequences of projected climate changes for such organisms. Along with several colleagues from the University of Hawaii and the University of Montana, we recently published a study in PLOS Biology titled Suitable Days for Plant Growth Disappear under Projected Climate Change: Potential Human and Biotic Vulnerability. In this paper, we explored the potential consequences of projected climate changes on future plant growth worldwide, and what that could mean for various ecosystems and the people that depend on those ecosystems. Our findings indicate that, if climate change continues as it has in the past, there could be significant global declines in the number of suitable plant growing days by 2100; with the most drastic changes affecting people in the poorest countries of the world. There is hope though; as our results also indicate that if we can curb our global carbon emissions, these changes in plant-growing conditions should be far less severe. We will be answering your questions at 1pm ET. Ask Us Anything! Don’t forget to follow Iain on Twitter [@ircaldwell[(http://www.twitter.com/ircaldwell).