Hi Reddit! My name is Michael Qiu and I’m the Library Relations Manager with ACS Publications. In my current job, I am responsible for developing our marketing, outreach, and engagement programs with librarians across the globe. Before coming to ACS in 2015, I was a Science & Engineering Librarian at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA. I was the librarian for chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, and petroleum engineering. Even though I no longer work in a library, I stay actively involved within the library community. I received my Master in Library and Information Science (MLIS) from UCLA (Go Bruins!) and my BS in Chemistry from Iowa State University. I’m a native of Iowa, but have bounced between Los Angeles and Washington, DC, and now have finally settled in Milwaukee. When I was an undergraduate I learned quickly the importance of the library and the librarians that help make everything that much easier. The library is a central hub of information and can be easily overlooked. Without the library and the science librarians at Iowa State, I would not have had someone to teach me how to search, retrieve, and properly use resources or had access to journals, ebooks, and databases like SciFinder. It really was this connection that helped me make the leap from chemistry to library and information science. As a science undergraduate, library school does pose its challenges (there are no lab experiments and lots of writing), but I encourage everyone to not overlook this career path. There is a huge need for librarians with a science background. My time at ACS has also given me a chance to interact with PhD students through our ACS on Campus program and librarianship is an alternative career path many are unaware of. Working as a librarian and in my current job, I have had the opportunity to interact with so many different people and learn so much. I hope this AMA gives you the opportunity to ask me a question that you think I can help answer, or even better, ask a question you don’t know who to turn to, after all, all librarians love a challenge. I’m excited to answer any of your questions. Since I won’t be able to answer everyone’s questions, if I don’t answer have an opportunity to answer your question here, do not hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter @MichaelatACS or on LinkedIn. I’ll be back at 12 noon ET (9am PT, 5pm UTC) to answer your questions. -ACS edit formatting Edit: Good morning (or afternoon) Reddit! It’s just about 11 am here in Milwaukee, so it’s time to get answering questions. I’ll be answering questions for the next hour, so keep the questions and comments coming in. Edit: My hour has come and gone, but it doesn’t mean the questions should stop. I’ve enjoyed this so much that I’ll try and come back this afternoon to answer a few more questions. Otherwise, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via Twitter or Linkedin (see above). Thanks again to everyone!
ACS AMA Hi Reddit! I’m Adam Boyd, the Program Director for AACT (https://teachchemistry.org/). I have a background in chemistry and business. I work with our extremely talented staff and teacher leaders throughout the country to help provide resources, networking opportunities, and professional development for K–12 teachers of chemistry. And I’m Jenn Parsons, Education Resource Specialist for AACT. I spent 9 years teaching high school chemistry and forensic chemistry in northern Virginia. Now I help develop chemistry resources for use in K–12 classrooms and teachers of chemistry. I have led teacher content-writing teams in partnership with the Dow Chemical Company, as well as the Ford Motor Company. I also lead professional development sessions at science education conferences. Additionally I am the editor of our quarterly periodical, Chemistry Solutions (https://teachchemistry.org/periodical/issues). I’m always looking for contributors for our publication—interested? Or do you know someone who is? Let me know! We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about chemistry education or AACT. We’re eager to work with new teachers, as well as help K–8 teachers integrate more chemistry into their science curriculum. Ask us anything about these topics, we’re here to help! We will be back at 1pm ET (10am PT, 6pm UTC) to answer your questions, ask us anything! We’re here and happy to answer your questions about chemistry education or AACT. We’re eager to work with new teachers, as well as help K–8 teachers integrate more chemistry into their science curriculum. Ask us anything about these topics, we’re here to help! Thanks so much for all of your questions! We have to get back to work, but we will try to check back later if we can. Thanks again, all!
Hi Reddit! I’m Dr. John M. Newsam and I serve as CEO of Tioga Research is a contract research organization (“CRO”). Our specialty is formulations applied to the skin. We undertake research and early development programs for pharmaceutical, cosmetic & personal care, and medical device clients. We have particular expertise in formulations innovation and in screening skin permeation and delivery. We use proprietary high throughput experimentation (“HTE”) platforms to increase the efficiency with which we can screen formulations for their ability to enhance delivery of an active molecule into and through the skin. We work with a spectrum of companies, in the US and also in Europe, Japan, India and beyond, and we help these clients in a broad range of R&D projects. I am a chemist, a materials chemist by training. After my BA, MA and DPhil degrees in Oxford I spent nearly two years doing neutron scattering research in the Physics Department of Tohoku University in Japan. Deciding then to come to the US, I had to decide first between an academic or industrial track. Choosing the latter, I joined ExxonMobil Corporate Research in New Jersey, where I was fortunate to be able to work on inorganic materials for a range of interesting applications, including ceramics, catalysts, zeolites, and oxide superconductors. I got interested in computer simulation and was then recruited by Biosym Technologies, a molecular simulation software company in San Diego. I had various executive roles, including Chief Scientific Officer, as the company was acquired by Corning, merged with Molecular Simulation, and was acquired by Pharmacopeia (now Biovia DS). I then became more interested in start-up and early phase companies, co-founding FreedomVoice Systems, hte AG, fqubed, Integrated Discovery Sciences, Bio4Front and, in 2011, Tioga Research. I also serve as an ACS Expert an AAAS Fellow and a RSC Fellow; I enjoy teaching entrepreneurship to undergraduates at UCSD and discussing with local middle- and high-schoolers interested in chemistry. I will be back at 1 pm EST to answer your questions, so, ask me anything about the skin and materials applied to the skin. You can also ask me about my research background, and anything about founding, building, and experiences working for a small company. I need to leave again - but as there are so many questions I was not able to get to, I will work to schedule some time tomorrow to field a few more. Thank you again for your interest. I am back online to field some more questions (although I have realized that some of my earlier responses were apparently not posted as a result of my internet access issues - I will try to re-answer) Apologies - we have apparently had an internet outage, so my replies and comments have been delayed; I’m still online Good morning (at least in California time) . . . I am now online to answer any questions you might have. Apologies - we have apparently had an internet outage, so my replies and comments have been delayed; I’m still online Wow - so many interesting questions and comments. Thank you. I have to leave now due to other commitments, but I’ll try to connect again later in the day to field a few more questions. I have enjoyed the dialog with each of you, even for you that asked questions that I haven’t gotten to. Many thanks for your interest. Please check out www.tiogaresearch.com for more information, if you are interested. Video produced by ACS released 11/15/16 on acne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrMbwDil1hc -ACS edit
Greetings Reddit! I am Anthony (Tony) Noce, the current Chair of the ACS Committee on Environmental Improvement (http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/about/governance/committees/cei.html). I have more than 27 years of experience in environmental chemistry and environment health and safety (EH&S) consulting, with a focus on global EH&S compliance as well as due diligence and integration services. I am currently a Principal Consultant with Haley & Aldrich, Inc. (http://www.haleyaldrich.com/) where I work with clients to help control and mitigate their operational risk, particularly in the EH&S arena, while building their business. I have firsthand experience on how scientists and related professionals can lend their perspectives to policy. The Committee on Environmental Improvement works at the crossroads of science and policy, helping to leverage the chemical community’s awareness of and response to sustainability challenges. We help the American Chemical Society’s members articulate policy statements on environmentally facing issues such as chemical risk assessment, climate change, and various energy and water sources. You can read my ACS Comment published yesterday in Chemical & Engineering News entitled “TSCA reform and changing our practice of chemistry” here: http://cen.acs.org/articles/94/i20/TSCA-reform-changing-practice-chemistry.html?h=-1691421665 I really enjoyed doing this, and hope that you enjoyed it as well. Thank you for all the questions. I got through as many as I could in the time allowed. I plan to come back later today or tomorrow if I can. Who knows, maybe they’ll even invite me back. All the best!
Hi Reddit! Lithium ion batteries are complex combinations of components that we increasingly depend upon for our phones, our computers, our entertainment, and our vehicles. At Wildcat Discovery Technologies, we apply high throughput/combinatorial research tools and techniques into the discovery and development of materials to improve lithium ion batteries. New active materials can enable lighter, smaller batteries that can provide better range for electric vehicles. Longer lifetime, improved safety, and better wide temperature performance can be achieved through development of new electrolytes. You can read more about our discoveries at www.wildcatdiscovery.com. I have a background in electrochemistry and material science, and having been working on lithium ion battery materials for over 10 years in industrial settings. Tune in to the ACS Webinar on Thursday, 3/10 at 2pm ET to hear more details how your cell phone battery works, and also how it fails. Register for free at http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/acs-webinars/technology-innovation/batteries.html. I’ll be online from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PST to answer your questions. Ask me anything! EDIT: Hi - I’m live and look forward to answering your questions! DAS EDIT: I am signing off now. What a wonderful discussion I have had with many of you! Thank you so much for all the good questions and comments. Check out our website at www.wildcatdiscovery.com if you want to learn more about our research. Or reach me at LinkedIn if you want to talk more! DAS