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American Chemical Society AMA: I am Stefano Tonzani, Executive Editor of ACS Omega. Ask me anything about the publishing process!
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  • r/Science AMAs

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Hi Reddit, I am Stefano Tonzani, Executive Editor for ACS Omega (http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf ), the new multidisciplinary open access journal from the American Chemical Society. My background is in science, as a chemist/physicist (simulations of electron-molecule interaction phenomena, self-assembly, and nucleic acid dynamics, to be precise). Through my career in publishing I have worn many hats: editor, business development manager, technical sales, you name it. I am clearly having fun, as I have been doing in publishing for 8 years now. My first role was as materials science Editor for Nature magazine; there and in successive gigs I quickly discovered a passion for developing new products, which has traveled with me ever since. Ask me anything about science publishing, what Editors look for in manuscripts, career advice, open access, starting new journals, and of course my latest baby: ACS Omega and what we hope to accomplish with it. Time is over for this session: I hope to talk to you again soon!