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Hi everyone, we're Matt Jukes and Rob Fry from the UK Office for National Statistics. We create data visualizations and data explorers based on UK official data. Ask us anything!
  • UK_ONS ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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Matt Jukes: I have been called the ‘Ian Holloway of Digital Government.’ You may have heard of the ONS website’s reputation, or experienced it for yourself - it’s my job to deliver a new site that changes those perceptions. I promote open source, open data and am a little militant with it comes to user research. We named our publishing system Florence, as in Nightingale, but over time Magic Roundabout characters ruled the roost in our app naming strategy. We even have a ‘Chris Giles test’ for the site. Rob Fry: I am a self proclaimed data vis geek working at the UK’s Office for National Statistics. I’m a trained statistician and love all things D3. I look for ways to make government data useful or relevant to people’s everyday lives. With my team I’ve created a pension calculator to see how long your pension pot will need to last, a quiz to challenge people perceptions of their own area, and lots of maps. I post all of this on Visual.ONS which is the ONS sister website aimed at non-experts just interested in data stories. Here’s proof that it’s us. We’re here to talk with you about UK government open data, open source, data visualization, or anything else. Ask us anything! That’s the end of our AMA! Thanks guys for all your questions, really interesting discussions and hope it was useful!