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AGU AMA: Hi Reddit, I’m Jeff Moore, assistant professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Utah, here to talk about rock slope failure processes, landslide monitoring and impacts. Ask Me Anything!
  • AmGeophysicalU-AMA ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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I am Jeff Moore (http://tinyurl.com/k5bz36x) assistant professor of Geological Engineering in the Department of Geology and Geophysics (http://www.earth.utah.edu/) at the University of Utah. I study processes that make rocks break (e.g. earthquakes, frost, heat) and ways to monitor rock slope failures (in-situ and remote), as well the hazards and impacts of very large, infrequent rock avalanches. I currently lead a major effort aimed at understanding how seismic resonance measurements (http://geohazards.earth.utah.edu/arch.html) can be used to track that changing structural health of natural features such as rock arches, with work in several National Parks. More information on my team’s projects and papers can be found on our website: http://geohazards.earth.utah.edu/index.html Links to a few of my recent papers for more about what I do: Beyond debuttressing: mechanics of paraglacial rock damage (http://tinyurl.com/k8gt3wj) Dynamics of the 2013 Bingham Canyon rock avalanches (http://tinyurl.com/mk2juoa) Resonance properties of a natural arch (Rainbow Bridge, http://tinyurl.com/ktlgn2g) Resonant frequency monitoring of Mesa Arch (Canyonlands, http://tinyurl.com/l7o3srh) Prehistoric rock avalanche that changed the landscape of Zion Canyon (http://tinyurl.com/lbmw8yx) I hope to answer lots of interesting questions about landslide monitoring, impacts, and rock failure processes at the AMA! Thanks for all the great questions! Signing off … Jeff