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I am Scott Berinato, senior editor at Harvard Business Review. I'm here to talk anything and everything about dataviz in business.
  • ScottBerinatoHBR ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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r/Science AMAs
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Hi everyone! I’m Scott Berinato, senior editor at Harvard Business Review and author of ​Good Charts​, a new book about dataviz for managers. As a senior editor at HBR, I write for the magazine and website, but also spend a lot of time editing big ideas from academics and others. When I’m not doing that, I’m probably in my garden getting my hands dirty. While most of you on here are at the cutting edge of dataviz trends, there are countless managers who recognize the need to improve themselves beyond the typical ‘click-and-dataviz-and-paste-into-powerpoint’ approach that has dominated the business world for two decades. ​Good Charts​ is meant to help these folks get better at using dataviz, largely through a design-focused approach. Let’s talk about what I’m hearing from executives and non-specialists about what they’re excited about, what they’re intimidated by, and why the first question is still, always, ‘can I use a pie chart?’ I’ll be back at 12pm ET to answer all of your questions. In the meantime, Ask Me Anything! Okay I’m ready to get started. Some great questions already. Let’s get going. Hey, thanks for coming out for this. I’ll check back here the rest of the day and for the rest of the week to answer more questions. Keep up the good and positive work r/DataIsBeautiful!