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Science AMA Series: I’m Dr. Jessica Ribeiro, a professor at Florida State University, and I’m here with NBC News MACH. I’ll be answering questions about my research in using AI to predict suicide for about an hour beginning at 12:00 p.m. ET.
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The mission of my research program is to accurately detect risk, especially for suicidal behavior, for all people at all points in time. To this end, there are four major elements of my research: (1) discovery and assessment of novel constructs; (2) prediction in the short-term; (3) prediction on a large scale; and (4) the conceptualization of suicide as a complex classification problem. My approach represents a radical shift from the status quo, with the aim of substantially advancing risk identification, especially for suicidal behavior. My goal is to make major progress on this front over the next 10 years. For more information, you could check out this NBC News MACH article written about this kind of research https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/innovation/ai-coming-help-doctors-predict-suicide-n763166 or my lab’s website here www.risklabfsu.com. Hi everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to ask questions. I really enjoyed answering your questions, and very much appreciated the interest in this massive public health problem. It’s time for me to sign out, but I’ll check back later and answer a few more. Have a nice afternoon!