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Science AMA Series: We’re Joel Bach and David Gelber, the creators and Executive Producers of the Emmy-winning TV show Years of Living Dangerously. We’re here today to talk about communicating climate change science. AMA!
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The YEARS Project is a multimedia storytelling and education effort designed to inform, empower, and unite the world in the face of climate change. We’ve had two seasons of storytelling on TV, first on Showtime, which won the Primetime Emmy for best documentary series, and second on National Geographic, where the show was broadcast in 171 countries and 45 languages. We’re currently producing short-form video content for social media at the rate of 1-2 pieces each day, covering climate impacts, solutions, politics and science. Our average video gets over a million views on Facebook alone. We also partnered with the National Wildlife Federation to create educational materials based on the TV series for use in middle schools, high schools and colleges across the country. We’re live now to answer your questions, AMA! So ask away, because David can barely contain himself. Website: http://yearsoflivingdangerously.com/ Facebook Watch Climate Classroom