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Developing Software to Track Endangered Marine Species
  • Rathnayake R M I,
  • D. I. De Silva,
  • M. V. N. Godapitiya
Rathnayake R M I
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Department of Information Technology

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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D. I. De Silva
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
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M. V. N. Godapitiya
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
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In this project “Life below water,” going to develop a web application to track endangered species living around the Sri Lankan Ocean. Hope to collect information on endangered marine species with the help of fishermen fishing in the deep sea. After collecting the details, we hope to create a web application to track these kinds of species after successfully developing our web application, hope to give it to the required authorities like the Sri Lanka tourism board/fishing cooperation and finally to the other countries who are interested in this.