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Empowering Women through Technology: Addressing Gender Disparities
  • +3
  • Hasni M.N.N,
  • Fernando P.V,
  • Nissanka R.R.N.V,
  • D. I. De Silva,
  • * Ahamed,
  • Samitha Vidhanaarachchi
Hasni M.N.N
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Department of Information Technology

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Fernando P.V
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
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Nissanka R.R.N.V
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
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D. I. De Silva
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
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* Ahamed
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
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Samitha Vidhanaarachchi
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
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Despite recent improvements, gender equality remains a global concern. Technology has helped women and girls gain equal access to education, economic empowerment, political representation, and social and cultural standards. Technology has promoted gender equality by providing girls with superior education. Girls can now learn and connect with teachers anywhere via internet platforms, e-learning, and digital libraries. This has improved school quality and access, giving women more job prospects. Technology has empowered women economically by providing equal employment options. The gig economy allows women to work from home, determine their hours, and have more work-life balance. Women are starting their own enterprises, especially in e-commerce, where they may reach global clientele. Social internet allows women to speak out on political matters. This has increased women’s political representation, particularly in historically silent countries. Finally, technology has challenged societal and cultural standards like gender stereotypes that have prevented women from reaching their full potential. Technology empowers women to question gender conventions and expectations, changing society’s view of women. Technology offers opportunity but also challenges. For example, the gender digital divide limits women’s technology use. Cyberbullying and harassment affect women more than males online. In conclusion, technology can promote gender equality by giving women equal access to education, economic possibilities, political representation, and questioning social conventions. To make technology accessible to all women and girls, there are hurdles.