In order to solve the difficulties in recognizing and assisting those who are living in poverty, this research study explores the problem of poverty and suggests the creation of a web application. Despite the efforts of governments, non- governmental organizations, and humanitarian groups, poverty still affects millions of people globally and is a widespread issue. Therefore, it is essential to look into fresh approaches to solving this problem and to use technology to make life easier for NGOs and other organizations whose mission it is to reduce poverty. The suggested online application intends to link individuals in need with possible sponsors and contributors, deliver fun- damental healthcare and education to kids from disadvantaged homes, and make project registration for NGOs and other groups easier. Additionally, it aims to help farmers and self- employed people promote their goods in order to improve their standard of living. The presentation emphasizes the significance of combating poverty and the possible advantages of using tech- nology to improve the lives of the less fortunate. The study also examines contemporary technical advancements and poverty- fighting measures. The use of new technology can significantly increase the efficacy and efficiency of efforts to reduce poverty. The document underlines the necessity of an all-encompassing strategy for ending poverty and promotes cooperation across stakeholders including governments, NGOs, and the corporate sector. To make a long-lasting difference in the complicated problem of poverty, all parties must work together. The suggested online application can be crucial in solving some of the difficulties in identifying and assisting those in poverty. In order to reach the shared objective of ending poverty, the research advises greater investigation of technology-driven solutions for the problem as well as the encouragement of collaborations across stakeholders.