Deciphering the Mass Transfer and Diffusion Behavior in the Oxidation of
Fatty Alcohols to Fatty Acids over Pt/MCM-41
- Jiarong Lu,
- Guoliang Li,
- Yue Pan,
- Mingyue Zhao
, - Rong Fan,
- Yihang Liu,
- Zhibo Zhang,
- Hui Zhao,
- Xin Zhou,
- Yibin Liu,
- Xiaobo Chen
, - Hao Yan
, - Chaohe Yang

Jiarong Lu
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileGuoliang Li
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileYue Pan
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileMingyue Zhao

China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileRong Fan
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileYihang Liu
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileZhibo Zhang
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileHui Zhao
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileXin Zhou
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileYibin Liu
China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileXiaobo Chen

China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileChaohe Yang

China University of Petroleum East China State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing
Author ProfileAbstract
Selective oxidation of long-chain fatty alcohols into acids is an
important value-added reaction. However, exploring the basic catalytic
steps over Pt-based catalysts throughout the entire oxidation process is
still ambiguous. In this work, we systematically investigated the
synergistic mechanisms of adsorption, reaction, and diffusion over
Pt/MCM-41 for normal/isomeric alcohols oxidation into acids via
molecular dynamics, in-situ characterization, and experiments.
Specifically, diffusion coefficients decrease with the increase of the
molecular weight of normal molecules due to the increased van der Waals
forces, while isomeric alcohols exhibit more complex patterns originated
from the steric hindrance between Pt particles and mesopores. To
quantitatively describe this pattern, a cluster size descriptor of d Pt
0 . 75 × d Pore 0 . 25 was defined. Notably, 2-ethylhexanol exhibits the
best self-diffusion coefficients at the descriptor value of 3.14.
Correspondingly, the oxidation of 2-ethylhexanol to 2-ethylhexanoic acid
displays highest reaction conversion (68.67%) and selectivity