Busheng Xie

and 5 more

This study investigated the underlying mechanism of multiple anomalies preceding the earthquakes occurred in Japan from 2021 to 2023. Key parameters, including induced magnetic field (IMF), atmospheric electric field (AEF), and total electron content (TEC), were analyzed to explore their spatiotemporal relationships with seismic activity. The IMF, AEF, and TEC anomalies were found to consistently appear a few days or hours preceding the earthquakes, following a clear temporal sequence. By integrating multi-source data and excluding external factors such as weather conditions and solar activity, this study identified strong correlations between the anomalies and seismic events. Spatially, these anomalies were concentrated near the seismogenic zones. Additionally, a linear relationship was observed between the electric parameters derived from IMF and AEF anomalies. The lithosphere-coversphere-atmosphere-ionosphere (LCAI) coupling driven by pressure-stimulated rock current (PSRC) is supposed essentially possible. The LCAI coupling explains how tectonic stress triggers the migration of positive hole (p-hole) charges from the lithosphere to ground surface, thereby influencing both the atmosphere and ionosphere. The geological conditions of the study area, which is rich in igneous rocks such as granite and andesite embodied with massive peroxy bonds, lead to the generation of PSRC. By comparing the timing differences between the anomalies, a deeper understanding of how pre-seismic electric and magnetic signals evolve and interact across different geospheres were proposed, which could be referenced for earthquake prediction especially in this particular region