Standard management of pediatric Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) patients have included an initial assessment of the disease at presentation to establish it’s extent. This “staging” process has historically assigned patients using traditional classifications which were established decades ago when, like other pediatric malignancies, the more extensive involvement of the cancer for a patient directly correlated with the patient’s long term survival[[1]](#ref-0001). Advances in radiologic technology have evolved in the way the disease extent was evaluated, moving from conventional radiographs, to computerized tomography (CT) to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to most recently positron emission tomography (PET)[[2]](#ref-0002). Despite the development and use of PET scans for decades for various cancer diagnoses, the role of PET scans for NHL remains unclear[[3]](#ref-0003). Indeed, its value for many conditions is its ability to assess the response to initial therapy and establish the patient’s risk stratification guiding the remaining treatment plan[[4]](#ref-0004). Such efforts have not occurred in clinical trials of NHL and thus we are left to examine case series and try to discern its value for this disease.