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Optimization Strategy for Incentive-Based Integrated Demand Response Considering Multi-Dimensional Coupling Characteristics of Consumers
  • Gang Xu,
  • Zixuan Guo,
  • Shunlin Zheng
Gang Xu
North China Electric Power University
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Zixuan Guo
North China Electric Power University

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Shunlin Zheng
North China Electric Power University School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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Integrated Demand Response is increasingly recognized as a crucial tool for maintaining balance between supply and demand in integrated energy systems, and for enhancing the absorption and utilization rate of renewable energy. A prerequisite for implementing IDR effectively is the accurate modeling of consumer characteristics. However, existing models have not accounted for the coupling characteristics of inter-energy comfort and inter-period incentives when consumers participate in IDR; they also overlook the Inter-consumer coupling characteristics. This paper presents an inter-energy comfort coupling matrix and a cross-elasticity coupling matrix for incentives, offering effective modeling of the coupling characteristics between different energies and periods. By introducing a dynamic participation rate, a mathematical model of inter-consumer coupling characteristics is established. Simulation results demonstrate that the model considering inter-energy coupling characteristics produces significant reductions in response power deviations and total costs of IESP, while also enhancing consumer motivation to participate in IDR. The model that incorporates inter-period coupling characteristics not only improves consumer benefits and comfort levels in participating in IDR but also further reduces response power deviations and total costs of IESPs. The model considering inter-consumer coupling characteristics effectively mitigates response power deviations resulting from consumers’ bounded rationality by calculating the mathematical expectation of each consumer’s response power.
30 Aug 2023Submitted to IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
31 Aug 2023Submission Checks Completed
31 Aug 2023Assigned to Editor
05 Sep 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
19 Sep 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
16 Nov 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Major