Effect of loading rate and coating thickness on wear and adhesion during sliding indents of Si-C-N hard coatings deposited on glass substrates
- A S Bhattacharyya

A S Bhattacharyya

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Central University of Jharkhand, Centre of Excellence in Green and Efficient Energy Technology (CoE GEET, Central University of Jharkhand
Corresponding Author:[email protected]
Author ProfileAbstract
Scratch tests were done on thermally resistant hard Si-C-N coatings developed on glass substrates using magnetron sputtering. The change in loading rate and coating thickness showed variation in adhesion strength and wear, The Boussinesq, Hans and Blister stress distribution beneath the indenter had on effect of the failure processes. Elastic recovery was prevalent in coatings of higher thickness and higher rate of loading. The increased loading rate although caused early failure but resulted in less wear.