June 03, 2024
SoK: Security and Privacy of Blockchain Interoperability [Extended Version]
André Augusto, Rafael Belchior, Miguel Correia, et al.
April 02, 2024
A Brief History of Blockchain Interoperability
Rafael Belchior, Jan Süßenguth, Qi Feng, et al.
April 02, 2024
Towards a Standard Framework for Blockchain Interoperability: A Position Paper
Rafael Belchior, Sabrina Scuri , Nuno Nunes, et al.
July 16, 2024
Restoring Trust and Safety in Social Networks
Alex Pentland and Thomas Hardjono
August 26, 2024
Mind Your Roots of Trust!
Guy Fedorkow and Thomas Hardjono
January 08, 2024
Asset Schemas and Profiles for Token Networks
Thomas Hardjono , Alexander Lipton, Alex Pentland, et al.
January 08, 2024
On Standardized Service Interfaces for the Interoperability of Tokenized Asset Networ...
Thomas Hardjono , Alexander Lipton, Alex Pentland, et al.
January 08, 2024
Identity Gateways for Tokenized Asset Networks
Thomas Hardjono , Alexander Lipton , Alex Pentland , et al.
June 27, 2023
Multi-Party Cross-Chain Asset Transfers
André Augusto , Rafael Belchior , André Vasconcelos , et al.
December 05, 2023
Towards Attestable Wallets for Tokenized Assets
Thomas Hardjono , Alexander Lipton , Alex Pentland , et al.
December 05, 2023
Data Cooperatives for Identity Attestations
Thomas Hardjono and Alex Pentland
May 16, 2023
The Legal Ramifications of Digital Tokenization
Thomas Hardjono