Vahid Fooladi

and 3 more

The development of autonomous vehicles in compliance with safety requirements requires them being equipped with various types of sensors. This integration presents significant potential for enhancing communication performance within Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). A critical communication requirement in VANETs is achieving low delay to enable realtime communication and reducing routing overhead to increase the generation rate of safety-related packets, thereby enhancing vehicular safety. This paper aims to address this issue by leveraging sensor data through proposing an optimized packet routing method within the network. To establish a common structure among different vehicles, roadways are divided into smaller segments with adaptive lengths, and sensor information from each occupied segment is disseminated within a shared framework inspired by 5G sidelink using a Time Division Integrated Sensing and Communication (TD-ISAC) frame structure. The dimensions of this frame are optimized using a combined Lagrangian Relaxation and Branch and Bound approach. Additionally, vehicle positions are estimated in real-time based on sensor data through the integration of a Kalman filter and a Transformer model, resulting in the formation of radial awareness in the network topology. Finally, the relay station selection process is stabilized by incorporating reserve relay stations. The proposed model is evaluated using SUMO and compared to the Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) and Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) algorithms, demonstrating up to a 60% improvement in delay and a 5% reduction in routing overhead under multi-hop scenarios.

Hossein Asadollahi

and 3 more

Vahid Rezaei

and 4 more

In numerous mission-critical applications anticipated by future sixth-generation (6G), such as autonomous vehicles, achieving high accuracy in image recognition is essential. Concurrently, minimizing the data traffic, or equivalently, effective data compression due to constraints posed by transmission delay are crucial. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes a task-oriented semantic communication system dedicated to image data, designed to extract and transmit the information required by the receiver. The goal of the system is to recognize the semantic boundaries of the images. For this For this relevant, a novel semantic encoder, based on compressed sensing (CS) is developed at the transmitter to extract semantic information. Additionally, a novel semantic decoder is proposed in the receiver, utilizing sparse reconstruction techniques to reconstruct semantic information. In contrast to prior studies that focused on conveying a broad spectrum of semantic information related to images along with all extracted features, this approach concentrates solely on isolating the semantic features relevant to the specific target edges. This method generates a sparse feature map, allowing for a reduction in compression rates by a new compressed sensing techniques implementing new sensing matrix based on polar code (SMPC)compressed sensing techniques. Furthermore, the study examines two distinct typical scenarios: noiseless measurements and noisy measurements. Our simulations show that with a lower compression rate, the classification accuracy, and exact recovery probability of 100 % can be attained in both scenarios.

Hossein Asadollahi

and 3 more

Maryam Ansarifard

and 4 more

Mohsen Tajallifar

and 4 more

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel resource management scheme that jointly allocates the transmit power and computational resources in a centralized radio access network architecture. The network comprises a set of computing nodes to which the requested tasks of different users are offloaded. The optimization problem minimizes the energy consumption of task offloading while takes the end-to-end-latency, i.e., the transmission, execution, and propagation latencies of each task, into account. We aim to allocate the transmit power and computational resources such that the maximum acceptable latency of each task is satisfied. Since the optimization problem is non-convex, we divide it into two sub-problems, one for transmit power allocation and another for task placement and computational resource allocation. Transmit power is allocated via the convex-concave procedure. In addition, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to jointly manage computational resources and task placement. We also propose a feasibility analysis that finds a feasible subset of tasks. Furthermore, a disjoint method that separately allocates the transmit power and the computational resources is proposed as the baseline of comparison. A lower bound on the optimal solution of the optimization problem is also derived based on exhaustive search over task placement decisions and utilizing Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. Simulation results show that the joint method outperforms the disjoint method in terms of acceptance ratio. Simulations also show that the optimality gap of the joint method is less than 5%.