Jian Kuang

and 3 more

Location-based services (LBS) have significantly enhanced the convenience of mobile services for the general public, becoming an essential component of our daily lives and work. Accomplishing precise indoor positioning and implementing crowd-sourced mapping within multi-level parking structures presents a significant challenge. Indoor magnetic feature matching is a feasible solution but has to reduce the mapping cost by crowd-sourcing. To address the issue of crowd-sourced magnetic mapping in multi-level garages, we propose a novel solution for constructing crowd-sourced magnetic grid maps based on pedestrian-vehicle collaboration. This approach leverages the high-precision capabilities of Vehicle Dead Reckoning (VDR) to gather magnetic field data and floor information from the primary routes within parking structures, utilizing crowdsourced vehicle data. In processing vehicle crowd-sourced data, we employ a method akin to pedestrian trajectory processing, coupled with floor transition detection, to impose floor-level constraints. Through global trajectory optimization, we achieve precise estimation of 3D vehicle trajectories from the crowdsourced data. Furthermore, by iteratively refining the graph optimization problem, incorporating keyframe association details, floor information, and adjacent loop closure data, we successfully reconstruct the vehicle's 3D trajectory. Field tests demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve an average planar positioning error of 2.19 meters using only vehicle-mounted smartphone sensor data. The relative height error between two floors is a mere 0.08 meters.

Jian Kuang

and 3 more

Indoor positioning technology is one of the important supporting technologies for location services. Since WiFibased indoor positioning technology is unsuitable for scenarios where WiFi APs are sparse or missing (such as underground parking lots), magnetic fields are the only available signal source. However, magnetic positioning methods still face the problem of the high cost of magnetic map construction. This paper proposes a method for constructing a magnetic grid map of a multi-story parking lot that integrates crowdsourced vehicle and pedestrian data. This method uses the three-dimensional sparse magnetic field map obtained from vehicle data as the skeleton, performs preliminary floor allocation on pedestrian data, and combines key frame association information, floor information, and neighborhood loop information to iteratively update the graph optimization problem to achieve three-dimensional trajectory reconstruction of pedestrians and vehicles. On this basis, this method defines crowdsourced trajectory estimation and magnetic grid map generation as an optimization problem, establishes a connection between the two through multiple constraints such as trajectory relative pose constraints, magnetic field vector space consistency, and magnetic field spatial distribution continuity, and obtains the optimal estimate of magnetic grid maps and trajectories on each floor through a multi-step iterative optimization method. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified by testing a simulated data set in a typical twostory underground parking lot scenario. The average positioning error of the jointly generated trajectories of pedestrians and vehicles is 1.75m, and the average positioning error based on the crowdsourced magnetic field map is 2.87m.