Soumalya Ghosh

and 2 more

Cloud computing is one of the major cutting-edge technology which is in a gigantic growth to redefine the aspect of computation with its service-oriented computing. It has addressed the issue of owning and managing the computational infrastructure by provid- ing the service through a pay-and-use model as an ultimate consequence of saving money and time. However, the major hindrance can be security breaches, particularly when the sender uploads or receiver downloads the data from a remotely accessed server. A very generic approach to ensuring data security through different encryption techniques, but it might not be able to maintain the security standard. This paper proposed an end-to-end data security approach from sender side to receiver side by adding extra padding sequences, randomized salting followed by hashing and the encryption technique. The efficiency of the proposed approach is analyzed through both the simulated system and mathematical formulations with several performance metrics, like cipher text size, encryption and decryption time, encryption and decryption throughput. Further, the performances are compared with contem- porary algorithms and results have shown that the proposed algorithm creates a larger cipher text which is almost impossible to crack due to randomization modules. Though it has a significantly larger encryption and decryption time, as a consequence, lower throughput also. However, here our prime concern is ensuring security, not the time required to encrypt the text.