nternet of Vehicles is considered one of the most unprecedented outputs of the Internet of Things. No one has realized or even expected the rapidly-growing revolution regard- ing autonomous connected vehicles. Nowadays, IoV is massively progressing from Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) as a huge futuristic research and development discipline. This paper proposes a novel reliable and secure architecture for ubiquitously controlling remote connected cars’ internal systems, such as engine, doors’ locks, sunroof, horn, windows’ and lights’ control systems. The main contribution is that the proposed architecture doesn’t bypass the vehicle’s original security coding, and doesn’t require any electrical modifications to the vehicle’s ECU and BCM wirings. The proposed architecture is composed of remotely connected embedded, software, and cloud-based platform sys- tems. Two designs of wireless control boards based on RF and Wi-Fi are provided for enabling remote control using the original vehicle’s encrypted key and mobile application. A simulation is implemented using the original vehicle’s encrypted key and Android application proving matching results according to the proposed architecture. Experimental work is conducted on RF and Wi-Fi relays’ control boards along with KEYDIY K909 RF encrypted key for controlling a 2013 Hyundai Elantra MD vehicle, and the studied results showed a distinguished match to the carried-on simulation results.