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Prime Factorization and Diophantine Quintic Equations Insights, Challenges, and New Directions
  • Budee U Zaman
Budee U Zaman

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When discussing the Diophantine quintic equation p(a 5 + b 5) = q(c 5 + d 5) where p is a prime and q is an integer, there is a clear gap between the mathematical literature and online forums. Because of the intrinsic complexity of parameterizing fifth-degree equations, this equation remains largely unexplored. In this work, we approach this quintic problem through algebraic methods with the goal of providing numerical solutions that illuminate its properties and behaviors.Our research uncovers intriguing patterns and connections that shed light on the enigmatic nature of Diophantine quintic equations in this particular form.
28 Mar 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
01 Apr 2024Published in TechRxiv