Hao Xu

and 4 more

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has emerged as a strong candidate for numerous Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Its advertising mode simplifies the complexity of implementation and extends the lifetime of equipment by eliminating the need for connection function, making it widely applicable in remote monitoring scenarios. In this research, we investigate the age of information (AoI) for monitoring over a BLE advertising network in which the duty cycle of the receiver scanning channels is set to 1 and each monitoring sensor broadcasts its status updates through m advertising events. Specifically, both the single-user and multiuser scenarios are examined. For the single-user scenario, we derive the average AoI and energy efficiency (EE) for the time-triggered (TT) traffic and eventtriggered (ET) traffic, respectively. On this basis, a comparative analysis is conducted between the average AoI of TT traffic and ET traffic, revealing that the average AoI of TT traffic is smaller than that of ET traffic with the same input rate. Furthermore, we explore the tradeoff between AoI and EE through minimizing the average AoI-EE ratio and minimizing AoI under EE constraints, respectively, by optimizing m. For the multiuser scenario, we characterize the receiving state through collision model, and investigate the AoI performance under zerowaiting policy. Further, we formulate a convex optimization problem to optimize the average AoI by adjusting the advertising interval. We not only propose an algorithm based on bisection method to find the exact solution, but also derive an approximate closed form solution.