Robert Richer

and 13 more

The pre-ejection period (PEP) is a widely used cardiac parameter in psychophysiological research that reflects the duration between the onset of ventricular depolarization and the opening of the aortic valve and is an established marker of sympathetic nervous system activity. While many algorithms for automated PEP extraction from electrocardiography (ECG) and impedance cardiography (ICG) signals have been proposed in the literature, they have not been systematically compared against each other. This lack of standardized algorithm comparisons is due to the absence of open-source algorithms and annotated datasets for evaluating PEP extraction algorithms. To address this issue, we introduce PEPbench, an open-source Python package with different Q-peak and B-point detection algorithms from the literature that can be combined to form comprehensive PEP extraction pipelines, and a standardized framework for evaluating PEP extraction algorithms. We use PEPbench to systematically compare 90 different algorithm combinations. All combinations are evaluated on datasets from two different studies with manually annotated Q-peaks and B-points, which we make publicly available as the first datasets with reference PEP annotations. Our results show that the algorithms can differ vastly in their performance and that the B-point detection algorithms introduce a considerable amount of error. Thus, we suggest that automated PEP extraction algorithms should be used with caution on a beat-to-beat level as their error rates are still relatively high. This highlights the need for open and reproducible benchmarking frameworks for PEP extraction algorithms to improve the quality of research findings in the field of psychophysiology. With PEPbench, we aim to take a first step towards this goal and encourage other researchers to engage in the evaluation of PEP extraction algorithms by contributing algorithms, data, and annotations. Ultimately, we hope to establish a community-driven platform, fostering innovation and collaboration in the field of psychophysiology and beyond.
Abstract: Gait is an indicator of a person’s health status and abnormal gait patterns are associated with a higher risk of falls, dementia, and mental health disorders. Wearable sensors facilitate long-term assessment of walking in the user’s home environment. Earables, wearable sensors that are worn at the ear, are gaining popularity for digital health assessments because they are unobtrusive and can easily be integrated into the user’s daily routine, for example, in hearing aids. A comprehensive gait analysis pipeline for an ear-worn accelerometer that includes spatial-temporal parameters is currently not existing. Therefore, we propose and compare three algorithmic approaches to estimate step length and gait speed based on ear-worn accelerometer data: a biomechanical model, feature-based machine learn- ing (ML) models, and a convolutional neural network. We evaluated their performance on a step and walking bout level and compared it with an optical motion capture system. The feature-based ML model achieved the best performance with a precision of 4.8 cm on a walking bout level. For gait speed, the machine learning approach achieved an absolute percentage error of 5.3% (± 3.9%). We find that the ML model is able to estimate step length and gait speed with clinically relevant precision. Furthermore, the model is insensitive to different age groups and sampling rates but sensitive to walking speed. To our knowledge, this work is the first contribution to estimating step length and gait speed using ear-worn accelerometers. Moreover, it lays the foundation for a comprehensive gait analysis framework for ear-worn sensors enabling continuous and long-term monitoring at home.