Alzheimer’s Disease has been a long standing mental disorder that we have gained a lot of knowledge about. However, no matter how much we have learned, we still are yet to discover a magnitude more about the disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by cognitive decline, memory loss, and behavioral changes. It is the most common cause of dementia, impacting a person’s ability to perform daily tasks and ultimately affecting their quality of life. We can study this using brainwaves. The 5 types of brainwaves each correlate to a different type of mental activity, which gives more information on various diseases like Alzheimer’s. Through this paper, we hope to find common trends on the brainwaves of an Alzheimer’s patient compared to a control subject with no mental disorders. All patterns will be tried to conclude to the reason behind that data. The Muse 2 Headband was used to collect the recordings of brainwave data in this study. Recordings of two subjects (one of which is the control) in two different conditions (active and resting) will be tested. The EEG data will then be compiled by MATLAB and put on a Spectral Plot to analyze the Electrical Brain Responses. The results show that readings in all brain waves other than Beta and Gamma were inactive and similar between both subjects. Beta and Gamma wave analysis proves that the Alzheimer’s Disease subject had lower activations in their brain due to a higher log of frequency power in those waves.