Crispus Musingura

and 1 more

In developing economies, logistics inefficiencies impede supply chain operations, leading to increased costs and hampering economic growth. This article investigates the pivotal role of mobile technology in optimizing logistics and enhancing Supply Chain Management (SCM), with a specific focus on Uganda. It delves into the landscape of mobile technology utilization, addressing the benefits and associated risks within logistics operations, encompassing storage, transportation, and management. The evolving concept of SCM is discussed, emphasizing its strategic significance in improving efficiency and customer satisfaction. The article systematically examines the advantages of integrating mobile technology into logistics operations, emphasizing improved collaboration, enhanced supply chain performance, resilience to disruptions, and advancements in service quality and global competitiveness. Practical insights from Uganda illustrate the application of mobile technology in the local context. However, integration introduces risks, including cybersecurity vulnerabilities, technological dependencies, and integration challenges. The paper recommends proactive measures, such as robust security protocols and contingency plans, to mitigate risks and ensure effective integration. This article targets policymakers, industry professionals, and researchers. It provides valuable insights into strategically employing mobile technology for enhanced logistics operations and SCM in developing economies, emphasizing its transformative potential in fostering efficient, resilient, and competitive supply chain ecosystems.

Crispus Musingura

and 3 more

Road traffic crashes in urban areas pose significant safety and efficiency challenges. This paper presents an approach, merging case studies and literature reviews, to mitigate urban road traffic crashes and enhance safety. The study commences with an extensive literature review, delving into existing research on road traffic crashes. This review establishes the groundwork for comprehending urban road safety solutions, insights into ongoing research trends, and guiding case study selection. Three case studies parallel analogous cities where Intelligent Transportation Systems and other smart city initiatives targeting road safety succeeded. Each case dissects safety interventions, accomplishments, and lessons learned. Scrutinizing these studies aims to unveil trends underpinning a holistic road safety strategy. From literature and case studies, a comprehensive road safety strategy emerges. It leverages advanced technology, data insights, and proactive measures to enhance road safety, curtail accidents, and optimize urban traffic. This research yields an all-encompassing road safety strategy for policymakers, planners, and safety practitioners to elevate urban road safety. It promotes secure, efficient, technologically advanced urban areas, endorsing sustainable transportation, elevating residentsâ\euro™ lives, and positioning cities as urban mobility leaders. Furthermore, this study contributes to the academic literature on road safety and urban transportation. Through case studies and literature reviews, it supplements knowledge about effective road traffic crash mitigation strategies. These insights have the potential to guide future research, advancing road safety and urban transportation domains.