Climate change and the biodiversity of alpine ponds: challenges and
- Marie Lamouille-Hébert
, - F. Arthaud,
- T. Datry

1. Inland waters are among the most threatened biodiversity hotspots.
Ponds located in alpine areas are experiencing more rapid and dramatic
water temperature increases than any other biome. Despite their
prevalence, alpine ponds and their biodiversity responses to climate
change have been poorly explored, reflecting their small size and
difficult access. 2. To understand the effects of climate change on
alpine pond biodiversity, we performed a comprehensive literature review
for papers published since 1955. 3. Through analysis of their geographic
distribution, environmental features, and biodiversity values, we
identified which environmental factors related to climate change would
have direct or indirect effects on alpine pond biodiversity. We then
synthesized this information to produce a conceptual model of the
effects of climate change on alpine pond biodiversity. 4. Increased
water temperature, reduced hydroperiod, and loss of connectivity between
alpine ponds were the main drivers of biodiversity geographic
distribution, leading to predictable changes in spatial patterns of
biodiversity. 5. We identified three major research gaps that, if
addressed, can guide conservation and restoration strategies for alpine
ponds biodiversity in an uncertain future.