Anupam Sharma

and 1 more

The first thing that comes to everyoneâ\euro™s mind, when we talk about wireless communications is â\euroœThe Radioâ\euro?. Starting from the 1800â\euro™s till date the radio has undergone several iterations of development. This paper is focused to bring out the three major development stages that are Hardware Defined Radios, Software Defined Radios & Cognitive Radios. With the introduction of cognizance and decision-making algorithms in Cognitive Radios, the scope for incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has become significant. Intelligent Radios can be considered as the fourth generation of Radio in times to come, which will incorporate Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the core processing unit to improve the overall capability of radio in a congested, constrained and contested electromagnetic spectrum. The Intelligent Radios would be capable of generating hypothesis based on environmental conditions on its own and take intelligent decisions as per the situation reducing the human effort. As the world is moving constantly towards information age, it is clear that future age warfare will be network and electromagnetic spectrum centric. Hence, it is very important for the military to achieve freedom operation in electromagnetic spectrum space in operational scenario. Intelligent Radios will be the weapon of future age warfare by aiding in efficient spectrum management, powerful electromagnetic warfare in active mode and easy and quick decision making leading to timely escalation and achievement of tactical, strategic, and political objectives.Â